from fastai.text.all import *

In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to very quickly fine tune and utilize pretrained models for text classification tasks in just a few lines of code.

Based off of the FastAI Tutorial for building a text sentiment classification model: Documentation

Training a text classifier using a pretrained model

Using high-level API

We first need to grab, download, and decompress the training data. We’ll be using a database of IMDB movie reviews:

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB)
>>> (#5) [Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/unsup'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/models'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/train'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/test'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/README')]

Now looking inside the train folder

>>> (#4) [Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/train/pos'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/train/unsupBow.feat'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/train/labeledBow.feat'),Path('/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imdb/train/neg')]

This data conforms to the ImageNet-style of organization. For our training data, we have two categories, positive and negative reviews (named pos and neg respectively).

To get this data, we can use the TextDataLoaders.from_folder method. We will need to specify the name of the validation folder, which in this case is “test.”

dls = TextDataLoaders.from_folder(untar_data(URLs.IMDB), valid='test')

Now let’s view the data using show_batch.

0xxbos xxmaj match 1 : xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley vs xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley started things off with a xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match against xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit . xxmaj according to the rules of the match , both opponents have to go through tables in order to get the win . xxmaj benoit and xxmaj guerrero heated up early on by taking turns hammering first xxmaj spike and then xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray . a xxmaj german xxunk by xxmaj benoit to xxmaj bubba took the wind out of the xxmaj dudley brother . xxmaj spike tried to help his brother , but the referee restrained him while xxmaj benoit and xxmaj guerreropos
1xxbos xxmaj warning : xxmaj does contain spoilers . \n\n xxmaj open xxmaj your xxmaj eyes \n\n xxmaj if you have not seen this film and plan on doing so , just stop reading here and take my word for it . xxmaj you have to see this film . i have seen it four times so far and i still have n’t made up my mind as to what exactly happened in the film . xxmaj that is all i am going to say because if you have not seen this film , then stop reading right now . \n\n xxmaj if you are still reading then i am going to pose some questions to you and maybe if anyone has any answers you can email me and let me know what you think . \n\n i remember my xxmaj grade 11 xxmaj english teacher quite well . xxmajpos
2xxbos i thought that xxup rotj was clearly the best out of the three xxmaj star xxmaj wars movies . i find it surprising that xxup rotj is considered the weakest installment in the xxmaj trilogy by many who have voted . xxmaj to me it seemed like xxup rotj was the best because it had the most profound plot , the most suspense , surprises , most xxunk the ending ) and definitely the most episodic movie . i personally like the xxmaj empire xxmaj strikes xxmaj back a lot also but i think it is slightly less good than than xxup rotj since it was slower - moving , was not as episodic , and i just did not feel as much suspense or emotion as i did with the third movie . \n\n xxmaj it also seems like to me that after reading these surprising reviews thatpos
3xxbos xxup the xxup shop xxup around xxup the xxup corner is one of the sweetest and most feel - good romantic comedies ever made . xxmaj there ‘s just no getting around that , and it ‘s hard to actually put one ‘s feeling for this film into words . xxmaj it ‘s not one of those films that tries too hard , nor does it come up with the oddest possible scenarios to get the two protagonists together in the end . xxmaj in fact , all its charm is innate , contained within the characters and the setting and the plot … which is highly believable to boot . xxmaj it ‘s easy to think that such a love story , as beautiful as any other ever told , * could * happen to you … a feeling you do n’t often get from other romantic comediespos
4xxbos xxmaj the premise of this movie has been tickling my imagination for quite some time now . xxmaj we ‘ve all heard or read about it in some kind of con - text . xxmaj what would you do if you were all alone in the world ? xxmaj what would you do if the entire world suddenly disappeared in front of your eyes ? xxmaj in fact , the last part is actually what happens to xxmaj dave and xxmaj andrew , two room - mates living in a run - down house in the middle of a freeway system . xxmaj andrew is a nervous wreck to say the least and xxmaj dave is considered being one of the biggest losers of society . xxmaj that alone is the main reason to why these two guys get so well along , because they simply only have each\pos
5xxbos xxrep 3 * xxup spoilers xxrep 3 * xxrep 3 * xxup spoilers xxrep 3 * xxmaj continued … \n\n xxmaj from here on in the whole movie collapses in on itself . xxmaj first we meet a rogue program with the indication we ‘re gon na get ghosts and vampires and werewolves and the like . xxmaj we get a guy with a retarded accent talking endless garbage , two ’ ghosts ’ that serve no real purpose and have no character what - so - ever and a bunch of henchmen . xxmaj someone ‘s told me they ‘re vampires ( straight out of xxmaj blade 2 ) , but they ‘re so undefined i did n’t realise . \n\n xxmaj the funny accented guy with a ridiculous name suffers the same problem as the xxmaj oracle , only for far longer and far far worse .neg
6xxbos xxmaj i ‘ve rented and watched this movie for the 1st time on xxup dvd without reading any reviews about it . xxmaj so , after 15 minutes of watching xxmaj i ‘ve noticed that something is wrong with this movie ; it ‘s xxup terrible ! i mean , in the trailers it looked scary and serious ! \n\n i think that xxmaj eli xxmaj roth ( mr . xxmaj director ) thought that if all the characters in this film were stupid , the movie would be funny … ( so stupid , it ‘s funny … ? xxup wrong ! ) xxmaj he should watch and learn from better horror - comedies such xxunk xxmaj night ” , ” the xxmaj lost xxmaj boys ” and ” the xxmaj return xxmaj of the xxmaj living xxmaj dead ” ! xxmaj those are funny ! \n\n ”neg
7xxbos xxup myra xxup breckinridge is one of those rare films that established its place in film history immediately . xxmaj praise for the film was absolutely nonexistent , even from the people involved in making it . xxmaj this film was loathed from day one . xxmaj while every now and then one will come across some maverick who will praise the film on philosophical grounds ( aggressive feminism or the courage to tackle the issue of xxunk ) , the film has not developed a cult following like some notorious flops do . xxmaj it ‘s not hailed as a misunderstood masterpiece like xxup scarface , or trotted out to be ridiculed as a camp classic like xxup showgirls . \n\n xxmaj undoubtedly the reason is that the film , though outrageously awful , is not lovable , or even likable . xxup myra xxup breckinridge is justneg
8xxbos xxmaj after reading the previous comments , xxmaj i ‘m just glad that i was n’t the only person left confused , especially by the last 20 minutes . xxmaj john xxmaj carradine is shown twice walking down into a grave and pulling the lid shut after him . i anxiously awaited some kind of explanation for this odd behavior … naturally i assumed he had something to do with the evil goings - on at the house , but since he got killed off by the first rising corpse ( hereafter referred to as xxmaj zombie # 1 ) , these scenes made absolutely no sense . xxmaj please , if someone out there knows why xxmaj carradine kept climbing down into graves — let the rest of us in on it ! ! \n\n xxmaj all the action is confined to the last 20 minutes so xxmajneg

All of the weird text here is actually part of the library’s automatic processing for text to split it into tokens, adding some special tokensl ike:

  • xxbos The beginning of a text
  • xxmaj Meaning the next word was capitalized

Next, we define a learner for text classification:

learn = text_classifier_learner(dls, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5, metrics=accuracy)

Next, we fine tune our model:

learn.fine_tune(4, 1e-2)

Now, to see how well the model is doing, we use the show_results method.

0xxbos xxmaj match 1 : xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley vs xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray and xxmaj spike xxmaj dudley started things off with a xxmaj tag xxmaj team xxmaj table xxmaj match against xxmaj eddie xxmaj guerrero and xxmaj chris xxmaj benoit . xxmaj according to the rules of the match , both opponents have to go through tables in order to get the win . xxmaj benoit and xxmaj guerrero heated up early on by taking turns hammering first xxmaj spike and then xxmaj bubba xxmaj ray . a xxmaj german xxunk by xxmaj benoit to xxmaj bubba took the wind out of the xxmaj dudley brother . xxmaj spike tried to help his brother , but the referee restrained him while xxmaj benoit and xxmaj guerreropospos
1xxbos xxmaj warning : xxmaj does contain spoilers . \n\n xxmaj open xxmaj your xxmaj eyes \n\n xxmaj if you have not seen this film and plan on doing so , just stop reading here and take my word for it . xxmaj you have to see this film . i have seen it four times so far and i still have n’t made up my mind as to what exactly happened in the film . xxmaj that is all i am going to say because if you have not seen this film , then stop reading right now . \n\n xxmaj if you are still reading then i am going to pose some questions to you and maybe if anyone has any answers you can email me and let me know what you think . \n\n i remember my xxmaj grade 11 xxmaj english teacher quite well . xxmajposneg
2xxbos i thought that xxup rotj was clearly the best out of the three xxmaj star xxmaj wars movies . i find it surprising that xxup rotj is considered the weakest installment in the xxmaj trilogy by many who have voted . xxmaj to me it seemed like xxup rotj was the best because it had the most profound plot , the most suspense , surprises , most xxunk the ending ) and definitely the most episodic movie . i personally like the xxmaj empire xxmaj strikes xxmaj back a lot also but i think it is slightly less good than than xxup rotj since it was slower - moving , was not as episodic , and i just did not feel as much suspense or emotion as i did with the third movie . \n\n xxmaj it also seems like to me that after reading these surprising reviews thatpospos
3xxbos xxup the xxup shop xxup around xxup the xxup corner is one of the sweetest and most feel - good romantic comedies ever made . xxmaj there ‘s just no getting around that , and it ‘s hard to actually put one ‘s feeling for this film into words . xxmaj it ‘s not one of those films that tries too hard , nor does it come up with the oddest possible scenarios to get the two protagonists together in the end . xxmaj in fact , all its charm is innate , contained within the characters and the setting and the plot … which is highly believable to boot . xxmaj it ‘s easy to think that such a love story , as beautiful as any other ever told , * could * happen to you … a feeling you do n’t often get from other romantic comediespospos
4xxbos xxmaj the premise of this movie has been tickling my imagination for quite some time now . xxmaj we ‘ve all heard or read about it in some kind of con - text . xxmaj what would you do if you were all alone in the world ? xxmaj what would you do if the entire world suddenly disappeared in front of your eyes ? xxmaj in fact , the last part is actually what happens to xxmaj dave and xxmaj andrew , two room - mates living in a run - down house in the middle of a freeway system . xxmaj andrew is a nervous wreck to say the least and xxmaj dave is considered being one of the biggest losers of society . xxmaj that alone is the main reason to why these two guys get so well along , because they simply only have each\pospos
5xxbos xxrep 3 * xxup spoilers xxrep 3 * xxrep 3 * xxup spoilers xxrep 3 * xxmaj continued … \n\n xxmaj from here on in the whole movie collapses in on itself . xxmaj first we meet a rogue program with the indication we ‘re gon na get ghosts and vampires and werewolves and the like . xxmaj we get a guy with a retarded accent talking endless garbage , two ’ ghosts ’ that serve no real purpose and have no character what - so - ever and a bunch of henchmen . xxmaj someone ‘s told me they ‘re vampires ( straight out of xxmaj blade 2 ) , but they ‘re so undefined i did n’t realise . \n\n xxmaj the funny accented guy with a ridiculous name suffers the same problem as the xxmaj oracle , only for far longer and far far worse .negneg
6xxbos xxmaj i ‘ve rented and watched this movie for the 1st time on xxup dvd without reading any reviews about it . xxmaj so , after 15 minutes of watching xxmaj i ‘ve noticed that something is wrong with this movie ; it ‘s xxup terrible ! i mean , in the trailers it looked scary and serious ! \n\n i think that xxmaj eli xxmaj roth ( mr . xxmaj director ) thought that if all the characters in this film were stupid , the movie would be funny … ( so stupid , it ‘s funny … ? xxup wrong ! ) xxmaj he should watch and learn from better horror - comedies such xxunk xxmaj night ” , ” the xxmaj lost xxmaj boys ” and ” the xxmaj return xxmaj of the xxmaj living xxmaj dead ” ! xxmaj those are funny ! \n\n ”negneg
7xxbos xxup myra xxup breckinridge is one of those rare films that established its place in film history immediately . xxmaj praise for the film was absolutely nonexistent , even from the people involved in making it . xxmaj this film was loathed from day one . xxmaj while every now and then one will come across some maverick who will praise the film on philosophical grounds ( aggressive feminism or the courage to tackle the issue of xxunk ) , the film has not developed a cult following like some notorious flops do . xxmaj it ‘s not hailed as a misunderstood masterpiece like xxup scarface , or trotted out to be ridiculed as a camp classic like xxup showgirls . \n\n xxmaj undoubtedly the reason is that the film , though outrageously awful , is not lovable , or even likable . xxup myra xxup breckinridge is justnegneg
8xxbos xxmaj after reading the previous comments , xxmaj i ‘m just glad that i was n’t the only person left confused , especially by the last 20 minutes . xxmaj john xxmaj carradine is shown twice walking down into a grave and pulling the lid shut after him . i anxiously awaited some kind of explanation for this odd behavior … naturally i assumed he had something to do with the evil goings - on at the house , but since he got killed off by the first rising corpse ( hereafter referred to as xxmaj zombie # 1 ) , these scenes made absolutely no sense . xxmaj please , if someone out there knows why xxmaj carradine kept climbing down into graves — let the rest of us in on it ! ! \n\n xxmaj all the action is confined to the last 20 minutes so xxmajnegneg

We can even use the learner to predict different texts super easily:

learn.predict("I really liked that movie!")
>>> ('pos', tensor(1), tensor([0.0092, 0.9908]))

This means that the model considers the above review to be positive, with a likelihood of 99.1%, and with a 0.9% likelyhood of the review being negative.

This doesn’t just work with movie reviews, any sort of positive or negative statement will be calculated and classified relatively accurately!