Here’s what the FastAI library API looks like:
Imagenette is a subset of ImageNet with 10 very different classes. Imagenet is mainly used to quickly experiment before trying a more fleshed-out technique on a full ImageNet dataset. We’ll show in this tutorial how to train a model on it, using high-level APIs, then going into the fastai library to show how to use the mid-level APIs we’ve designed.
Assemble the data
Loading the data with the data block API
We’ll start by using the get_image_files
function to get all the images in subfolders:
fnames = get_image_files(path)
Let’s create an empty datablock:
dblock = DataBlock()
dsets = dblock.datasets(fnames)
By default, the data block API assumes that we have an input and a target, which is why we see our filename repeated twice.
The first thing we can do is to use a get_items
function to assemble our items inside the data block:
dblock = DataBlock(get_items = get_image_files)
The difference is that you then pass as a source the folder with the images and not all the filenames:
dsets = dblock.datasets(path)
We need to prepare our target to be processed as an image: